
部落格(水兴浪的天空)- 水兴浪 Blog (The World Of ShuiXingLang) - Mr. Shui Xing Lang
部落格(左眼右眼)- 符策勤 Blog (C U, C Me!) - Mr. Neil Foo Seck Chyn
馬來西亞李氏總青交流站 The Lee Youth Malaysia Blog
马来西亚客家公会联合会 The Federation of Hakka Association Malaysia
马来西亚宗乡青联合总会 Persatuan Belia Xiang Lian Malaysia
马来西亚海南林氏公会 Malaysia Hainan Lim Clan Association
马来西亚中华大会堂总会(华总) The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia
Chinese Clan Associations in Malaysia
ABIM - Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia)
Aliran - Aliran Kesedaran Negara (National Consciousness Movement)
All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)
Amnesty International Malaysia
Angkatan Zaman Mansang - AZAM
Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya
Asian Institute for Development Communication - Aidcom
Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women - ARROW - Women's health & rights advocacy
Badan Warisan Malaysia - Heritage Foundation of Malaysia
Bahá’í Community Of Malaysia - Bahai
Balai Rakyat
BCSDM - Business Council for Sustainable Development in Malaysia
Befrienders Kuala Lumpur, The - Befriender - Free, confidential counselling for the depressed & suicidal
Borneo Research Council - BRC
CETREE - Universiti Sains Malaysia' Centre for Education & Training in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Centre for Environment, Technology and Development, Malaysia - CETDEM
Center for Orang Asli Concerns COAC - Information on the indigenous minority peoples
Charity-Net Malaysia
Coalition for Tobacco Free Malaysia - Facts and figures on tobacco consumption and its effects in Malaysia
Consumers Association Of Penang - CAP
Cyber Care Community System - Serving children, home administrators, ministries, corporate sponsors & volunteers
Eastern Regional Organisation For Planning & Housing - EAROPH
ERA Consumer Malaysia - Education & Research Association For Consumers Malaysia
FFPAM - Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia
FOMCA - Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia)
Force of Nature Aid Foundation - Charitable organisation helping survivors of natural disasters, tsunami victims
Global Peace Mission GPM - Misi Keamanan Sejagat MKS
HAKAM - National Human Rights Society - Persatuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi Manusia
HATI - The online welfare, charity and community resources portal
Hospis Malaysia
International Council on Management of Population Programmes - ICOMP Secretariat
Institut Dayakologi - Information & news on the Dayak people of Borneo
ISIS - Institute of Strategic & International Studies - Malaysian Economic Database & Statistics MERC, key indicators
Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur
JERIT - Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas - Coalition of the Oppressed People
JUST - International Movement for a Just World
Kumpulan Aktivis Media Independen KAMI - Independent Media Activist Group
Light Up Beach Street Project - A Community Project To Revitalise Georgetown's Premiere Commercial District
Malaysian AIDS Foundation
Malaysian CARE - Malaysian Christian Association for Relief
Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation MCPF - Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah Malaysia
Malaysian Environmental NGOs - MENGO - A federation of 18 different NGOs concern about the environment
Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation - MNAWF
Malaysian Nature Society - MNS
Malaysian Red Crescent Society - Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia, Red Cross
Malaysian Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association - MVFRA
Malaysian Youth Council MYC - Majlis Belia Malaysia MBM
Mercy Malaysia - Malaysian Medical Relief Society. A medical volunteer relief organization
MTUC - Malaysian Trade Union Congress
Narcotics Anonymous Kuala Lumpur NAKL
National Autism Society Of Malaysia - NASOM
National Consumer Complaints Centre NCCC - Pudat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional
National Council of Social Welfare & Social Development Malaysia - NCWSDM
Open Minds - Education funding for special (handicapped) children
People's Alliance For Peace Malaysia - Perikatan Keamanan Rakyat Malaysia
Pelangi Foundation - Home for people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA)
PEMADAM - Persatuan Mencegah Dadah Malaysia - Association For The Prevention of Drug Abuse
Pertubuhan-Pertubuhan Pembela Islam - PEMBELA
Penang Cares - The Penang E-Community Volunteer Center
Penang Heritage Trust - Conservation of Penang's historical & cultural heritage
Pengasih - Rehabilitation & treatment for drug & substance abuse, rehab home
Penyayang - Yayasan Budi Penyayang Malaysia
Perdana Leadership Foundation - Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana
Perdana Global Peace Organisation
Persatuan Kebajikan HOPE Worldwide KL
Persatuan Mobiliti Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur - Mobility Association of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
Petaling Jaya Community Centre - PJCC
Project Kasih
PROSTAR Club - Anti-AIDS programme & education under The Healthy Programme Without AIDS for Youth
Pure Life Society, The - Home for the orphans, Mother Mangalam, INSaF inter-faith
Rakan Muda
Raleigh International Kuala Lumpur
R.E.A.C.H. - Regional Environmental Awareness Cameron Highlands
Rengah Sarawak - Penan community news & issues
Reproductive Health for Adolescents Module - RHAM
Ronald McDonald Children's Charities Fund of Malaysia - RMCC
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Rumah Charis - Home For The Aged · Home For The Children · Centre for Autism & LD
Rumah Hope
SAKSI - Centre for Independent Journalism
SEAFDEC - Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
SCI - Service Civil International
SEACeM - Southeast Asia Center for e-Media
Sedar Institute - Independent think-tank
SEPA - Sabah Environmental Protection Association
SERI - Socio-Economic & Environmental Research Institute (Penang)
Shelter Home for Children
SIPI - School Industry Partnership Initiatives
Sisters In Islam - Professional Muslim women group promoting the rights of Muslim women
Society of the Disabled Persons Penang - SDPP
South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Research & Training Centre
SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
St John Ambulance of Malaysia
Stop The War Coalition
SUARAM - Suara Rakyat Malaysia
SUHAKAM - Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia. Human Rights Commission of Malaysia
Taiping Peace Initiative, The - TPI
Urban Governance Initiative, The - TUGI
Tenaganita - Sex workers, migrants & female workers rights
TRAFFIC Southeast Asia - Wildlife trade & trafficking monitoring programme of IUCN & WWF
Transparency International - Malaysian Chapter
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Malaysia
United Voice - Self-advocacy group for persons with learning disabilities
Victorious Life Centre - Community & charity organisation
Warga Emas Networks - Community organization of computer-using senior citizens
Women Against Violence - WAVe - Kempen Wanita Membanteras Keganasan (OMBAK)
Women's Aid Organisation - Pertubuhan Pertolongan Wanita
Women Crisis Centre Penang - Pusat Krisis Wanita
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action breast feeding feed milk motherhood
World Assembly of Youth - WAY
World Vision Malaysia
World Youth Foundation - WYF
Xim Phou Moon Welfare Society
Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam - YAWA
Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia - YPEIM
Yayasan Salam Malaysia - Non-profit organisation promoting the spirit of volunteer service
Yayasan Strategik Sosial (Social Strategic Foundation) - A social development centre for the Indian Community

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